I was tagged by the gorgeous Courtney to do this Q&A blogpost
Rules:1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people
What is your current fashion obsession? - Long Baggy tops/dresses
What is your current makeup obsession? - MFS'S eeek
What are you wearing today? - A long baggy top/dress (har) black tights, black pumps, white top and long sleeveless cardi.
Hair? - Straight but volumous.
Do you nap a lot? - Umm no not really...but as soon as my head hits the pillow im gone.
Why is today special? - It's not...Jack is leaving tonight :(
What would you like to learn to do? Speak Italian and play the piano
What's for dinner today? - Ooo, i dont know
What are you listening to right now? - Eminem's new song on the radio..i hate it
What is your favorite weather? - HOT PLEASE!
What's the last thing you bought? - 3 books at a bootsale for 20p each :)
What are your essentials when traveling? - Clean panties, Make up wipes, Makeup, hair brush, hair grips, toothpaste...oh my list goes on and on...
What's your style?- I really don't know. I wear a combination of so many different styles. I like to mix and match :)
What is your most challenging goal right now? - Decide where i want my life to go...it's a toughy i'll tell you that. Any ideas guys?
What do you think about the person who tagged you? - She's a stunner with a heart of gold. Her comments always make me smile. There should be more people like her in the world :)
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Somewhere awesome, that's hot and friendly with good food and nice people
Favorite vacation spot? - Maldives
Name the things you cannot live without? - My family & My boyfriend :)
How was your childhood? Awesome..i'm sad it's gone. :(
What would you like to have in your hands right now? A winning lottery ticket please?
What would you like to get rid of? hmm..my job?
What are you most excited for? Nothing right now as the bf is leaving :(
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? The maldives
Which countries have you visited? Portugal, Maldives (can you tell i liked it there? lol), Greece..um..umm thats all i can think of right now.
Hope that enthralled you guys...sorry i haven't blogged recently. Have lots of goodies to show you though as i have been spending outrageously *gulps* and am ontemplating doing a youtube vid *further gulps* what do you think?
I tag these ladies:
- Nadia - love lipstick and lime
- Kelly - Kelanjo19
- Emma - Magpie Sparkles
- Jennifer - Mizz Worthys Stuff
- Sabrina - Just a little obsessed
- Jackie - Makeup J'adore
- Tiffany - Kiss and Makeup! x
- Laura - ♥ My Bloggy Blog ♥
Hope you're having a good weekend. Hopefully will blog some more later!
p.s. I'm trying to press enter under some the questions as theyre all bunched up at the top...but when i go to save it and publish it...it goes back to normal? eek, am i doing something wrong or is blogger just annoying?
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